The IRMS lab is composed of 4 Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers as well as a Cavity Ring Down Mass spectrometer allowing the measurement of C, N, O and S isotope ratios of a wide range of samples

  • Nu Instruments Horizon 2:  C, N and S isotope ratios of organic matter (e.g. bone and dentine collagen, wood, seeds) when coupled with an Elemental Analyzer (EA); O isotope ratios of bone apatite and tooth enamel phosphate are also measured on this instrument when couple to a high temperature pyrolysis furnace (HT-EA). 
  • Nu Instruments Perspective 1: C & O isotope ratios of carbonates including bone apatite and tooth enamel carbonates. It can be couple to either a Nu Carb carbonate devise or a Gas Bench.
  • Nu Instruments Perspective 2: C & O isotope ratios of pure carbonates (e.g. speleothems, shells) and clumped isotopes (Δ47)
  • Thermo Delta V: C and N isotope ratios of sediments
  • Picarro CRD: O isotope ratio of river waters

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